However, people with diabetes can manage this condition by taking medication and eating nutritious foods. You may not have known that practicing yoga regularly can also help improve the health of people with diabetes.
Yoga today has been adapted to exercise, which is different from the old yoga that mainly trained breathing and meditation. This makes yoga beneficial in many aspects, both in terms of strengthening muscles and increasing flexibility of the body, maintaining better body balance along with relaxing the mind, helping to concentrate, be mindful, relieving stress and anxiety, and preventing the recurrence of stress and depression because it makes the mind calm and cool, allowing one to control emotions and release emotions correctly, and control behavior better.
Regular yoga practice can help lower blood glucose levels and blood pressure , as well as help control weight. Importantly, yoga can help relieve symptoms caused by diabetes, which affects many systems in the body, including teeth and gums, eyes, kidneys, heart, brain, UFABET, and arteries.
In addition, yoga can also help slow down the severity of the disease and reduce the occurrence of various complications, including premature cataracts, retinal degeneration, numbness in the hands and feet, chronic kidney failure, low immunity, hardening of the arterial walls, high blood pressure, paralysis , ischemic heart disease, cerebral infarction, and sexual dysfunction.
Yoga on the body Reduces subcutaneous fat and reduces weight. Causing many diabetic patients to have better health and lower blood sugar levels. The effects of yoga on complications that yoga practice affects the levels of small and large blood vessels. Resulting in an effect on controlling blood pressure and blood fat levels.
Meditation is useful in relieving stress. Stress and diabetes are intricately related. Stress is one of the risk factors for diabetes. And diabetes is also a cause of anxiety that turns into stress. Many people with diabetes lose their self- confidence. Meditation helps restore that confidence, giving patients the motivation to fight the disease. In addition, frequent meditation or regular yoga practice helps to enhance concentration and can also help reduce cravings for sweets very well.